
Get Moving!

Our bodies were designed to move. In fact, our bodies depend on us to do just that. When we remain immobile for a prolonged period of time our bodies our bodies start to breakdown. This is not our bodies way of rebelling against us. The reality is that our bodies are waiting for us to tell it what we consider important at which point they will prioritize that over everything else. Movement helps improve our bodies ability to function at its highest ability, which is why it is imperative that we are active daily! Get ready to find out which workouts will help you make the most out of each day!

Strength Workout Core Routine

We all want a flat and toned tummy, but no one likes to spend the whole workout on their back. Here is a routine to help tone up your core without leaving your back sore.

20 Goblet Squats
20 Reverse Lunges (each leg)
1 Minute Plank
40 High Knees
20 Reverse Crunches
20 Jumping Squats
30 Lunges (each leg)
30 Mountain Climbers
30 Bicycle Crunches
1 Minute Side Plank (each side)
*Repeat 3 Times

For best results do this routine 3-4 times a week and try incorporating a resistance band or two!

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