Replenish - Renew - Recharge
If you’re ready to…
Say Helloooo Gorgeous to those fabulous skinny jeans!
Ditch the belly bloat you’ve been dealing with for way too long.
Get your energy back, so you can have a freakin’ blast living your life again.
Bid exhaustion buh-bye, and hit the "restart" button on your body.
Release the toxins that cause excess weight and that "blah" feeling you can't shake.
Did You Know?
Your body is carrying roughly 5-10 pounds of toxicity (a.k.a inflammation) at any given time. This can lead to headaches, weight gain, bloating, and more.
All too often, we eat “healthy” foods that are actually wreaking havoc on your system and creating more toxins. It’s true!
You’ve tried EVERYTHING, like all the diets on the planet, and even added all those supplements and woo woo mantras, but you still feel really run down.
You’re so focused on the way you feel that you’re worried you’ll never figure out how to get your energy and life back. Maybe waiting is the answer. Spoiler: it’s not.
You’re not sure another diet or program can help you, but you’re ready for REAL answers. You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods that give you ZERO results.
Truth bomb: Your efforts thus far haven't helped you achieve the results you are longing for one bit.
Maybe they’ve given you some great ideas or things you know you “should” do, but you still somehow backslide into old habits, or overwhelm.
You’re starting to just give up altogether because it’s looking like NOTHING will work. I know, because I’ve been there and I see my clients struggle with this over and over again, which is why I’m so excited to bring all of my expert solutions to YOU for a fraction of the cost.
And I'm here to help.

I Created This Program for 5 Big Reasons:
- Everyone seems to be confused about what to eat! Why stay stuck in info overwhelm when you can use one program that combines a detox AND the elimination diet, so you’ll finally know what’s right for you?
- I wanted to empower YOU (yeah, you!) with the right tools for healthy detoxification, so you can improve your immune system in a safe and nourishing way.
- The world needs to know it’s possible to effectively detox without fancy pills or powders – whole foods will do the trick.
- Detoxing at least 4 times a year supports a healthy body for a lifetime.
- You deserve a program loaded with all the recipes and step-by-step instructions you need to naturally detox – one you can use over and over again throughout the entire season to refresh and reboot.
Take a hot second to fantasize about fitting in those skinny jeans. When you close your eyes do you see...
High Energy
You’ll feel 10 years younger when you ditch the toxins along with the afternoon crash and bum. (You can make it through the workday without coffee or sugary snacks. Promise!)
Effortless Weight Loss
Say goodbye to those pesky pounds you’ve been trying to lose for so long! You’ll lose the weight naturally and effortlessly. You will crank up your metabolism, big time.
No More Cravings
This step-by-step approach to detoxing is designed to help you finally figure out which foods work for and fuel you – and which ones don’t – safely and quickly.
Detoxify & rebuild
Restoring Health From Within A Holistic Approach To Wellness
This is a delicious adventure of discovery and releasing what’s no longer serving you – both physically and emotionally.
- You’ll feel 10 years younger
- You can hit your weight loss goals with more ease & grace
- Your fight with food can stop being such an uphill battle
- You wipe the slate clean – and give your body a whole new beginning.
Detoxify & Rebuild will give you...
Private Facebook Group
You will have access to a private facebook group where you can exchange your experience, progress and discoveries with other fellow students.
Lifetime Access
Once you enroll, you can access the modules anytime and revisit as often I would would like. Download recipes and use them on a daily basis.
Weekly Q&A Sessions
I will host a weekly call to answer all your questions about the program and give you tips on how to succeed with your lifestyle change.
Material Download
Module materials are downloadable in pdf format. They are yours to keep and refer to over and over.
Video Learning
Each week you will get a new video packed with amazingly valuable information to keep you motivated, you give you an in-depth learning experience of your weekly module.
Unbelievable Bonuses
Each module contains additional tips and tricks to keep you on track. Secret bonuses are included to make your life easier in the long run. Checklists, bonus recipes and other gifts.
And more...
Anyone would be lucky to partner with her as she is extremely dedicated, responsive and great at communicating. Her upbeat and focused approach makes her a great person to collaborate with.

Ali L.
Web Design Expert
Dixie is kind, warm-hearted, and so passionate about the health & well-being of those around her. She goes above and beyond in sharing knowledge that could change someone's life, relieving the pressure of blame and shame when a small nutritional shift is all that is needed.

Mimi T.
Success Coach
My Grandma Judy used to say,”I want you to know what I know, after that, it’s all on you.” So I want you to know that Dr. Dee is invaluable to me and my clients, and now it’s on you, are you putting her on your team too?

Scott G.
NLP Coach
Dixie, thanks so much for your incredible work!I learn so much and have truly felt a change both inside and out from your work. I am so excited to continue my wellness journey with you!

Arna V.
Automation Expert
Detoxify & Rebuild meets you where you exactly where you are right now… And then leads you to where you want to go.
Inside this program, you get 24/7 access to a Facebook group of your peers and me as your support coach; weekly health-building activities; weekly Q&A calls with me and countless worksheets and other tools to keep you on track.
The Detoxify & Rebuild experience is like having a health coach on the ready whenever and wherever you need it. You’ll be getting access to some of the best health and wellness information and the tools for your success.
And when you enroll, you’re given a step-by-step approach to modules to help you get out of the rut and into those sexy jeans you a longing to wear.
Here's what's waiting for you inside the program:

FOUR course modules
(one per week) These modules are PACKED with video trainings, worksheets, checklists and more. There’s no such thing as passive learning with this course. We’re getting to WORK! And by the end of the program you’ll have a simple, clear, actionable plan to keep your health and energy on track. ($3000 value)

FOUR Video Tutorials
For all you with a small amount of time, I’ll hold your hand and show you quickly how to get the results you want. For example, I’ll show you exactly how to use the worksheets to implement new habits daily, the best ways to create meal plans with checklist, and how to keep up your new plan forever. ($300-value)

TWO Worksheets
This course isn’t just about learning theory. I want you to be able to apply everything you learn directly to your lifestyle, right away. These worksheets will help you work through the process of honing in your ideal weight strategy and making it happen. ($150-value)

BIG BONUS: Access the Private Facebook Group
This course is also about the community. Your peers are here to support you and to carry you when you need it. This group is invaluable and accessible 24/7 so you can get some help or share your experience with like-minded students ($500-value)
I can’t thank you enough for all the help you have offered me! Your help is more than just your health expertise. I appreciate your guidance and generosity with time and encouragement. Thank you for being you!

Ronda A.
Health & Wellness Expert
Dr. Dee is one of my favorite educators. Her desire to educate everyone she comes into contact with on health and wellness is inspiring to me. She has an incredible way of educating and making it not only fun but easy!

Jana S.
RTT & NLP Practitioner
Take a Look at these amazing bonuses!
If you sign up right now and PAY IN FULL you'll get ACCESS TO THREE BONUSES totally FREE!
Bonus #1
Get an amazing 30-Day Meal Planning eGuide packed with amazing recipes even the pickiest eater will love and ask for more. Shopping list and batch meal planning included.
Bonus #2
Get FREE access to an amazing video where you are going to learn to properly plan and batch cook meals, how to store them and how to use the leftovers into delicious snacks.
Bonus #3
Get my amazing guide “From Pantry to Fridge” packed with tips and tricks to maximize your space and how to store your food for the week so you do not have to worry one bit!
Heck Yeah! I am so ready to fit into those sexy jeans!
Here’s what happens after you clickety-click that magical button!
- Right after you pay, you’ll get a confirmation email with all of your fancy membership deets (where to go, how to log in, where to find our delicious online community, etc). Hello immediate access to my treasure trove of health goodness! Ooh la la!
- Next, you’ll get an email with a view-only link to your first video and meal suggestions with recipes! Get it, boss!!
- But wait there’s more! You will get workout routines, mindset tips, and so much more!
Here are some of the results you can expect:
Lose an average of 3-5 pounds in one week
Feel lighter, glow, and have tons of energy
Kick sugar cravings
Sleep like a baby, without waking up at 3 am.
Decrease your belly bump – yep, no more middle waist squish!
Get a hot body just in time, or just fit into your fave jeans or the suit you need to wear to the business meeting next week
Detox does not have to be scary or depriving.
This is a delicious adventure of discovery and releasing what’s no longer serving you – both physically and emotionally.
And when you learn to finally let go of it all, you can access amazing freedom of both body and mind.
Besides, who doesn’t want to look and feel their greatest today?
Take Back Control Of Your Health Today!
Are you tired of feeling like you have no control over your health and happiness? Do you struggle with chronic health issues? You are not alone! Over half of the United States is currently struggling with at least one chronic health issue that can be avoided. The purpose of this site is to help educate you on all the different all natural options you have available to you. You deserve to live a happy, healthy, and successful life and I want to show you just how easy it can be to do just that!

Hi! I'm Dr. Dixie Short aka Dr. Dee!
Just like you I have struggled with my health. There were times that I could actually feel myself dying. I seemed like nothing I was doing was helping. Even though I was doing everything I was taught to do in school (see a doctor and take a number of pills until you find a solution) I just seemed to get even worse. That was until I stumbled upon the best kept secret.
Heck Yeah! I am so ready to take back control of my health!