If you are looking to give your hair the care that it deserves you need to remember to give it the vitamins it needs. I have put together a serum that can help you repair your hair inside and out. Get ready to love your hair again!
*5 Drops Lavender
*5 Drops Rosemary
*5 Drops Cedar-wood
*5 Drops Geranium
*5 Drops Sandalwood
*5 mL Fractional Coconut Oil
*5 mL Aloe Vera Juice
Combine all ingredients together and apply small amount (about a dime size) to hair. Be sure to work the oil in your hands first this will help warm it while insuring it is thoroughly blended. If you are looking for a deeper treatment you can use 1 ounce of the serum and add it to 1-2 ounces of aloe vera juice and let sit on dry hair for 20-30 minutes and wash hair normally.